Volunteering with WHU
Volunteers are the lifeblood of our community organization. From coaching and team-management to jersey-folding and banner-hanging, there are so many fun opportunities to contribute to your soccer player’s club, which in turn helps us to keep our program costs as low as possible. Volunteer sign-up events will come out regularly throughout the year, and credits will be given for subsequent seasons.
View current sign-up opportunities HERE
Volunteer Credits
Role | 1 credit = $25 (max 8/season) | Description |
CMSA Head Coach (with necessary certifications) | 8 credits | Responsible for prepping/leading practices, present at games or ensures the role is properly covered. Must have all standard (police check, Respect in Sport) and age-based (Canada Soccer) team qualifications up to date. |
CMSA Asst Coach (with necessary certifications) | 6 credits | Responsible for helping at practices, present at games or ensures the role is properly covered. Must have all standard (police check, Respect in Sport) and age-based (Canada Soccer) team qualifications up to date. |
CMSA Team Manager (with necessary certifications) | 6 credits | Responsible for ensuring players and team officials are qualified to play, printing game sheets, monitoring anticipated attendance for events, and main point of contact between team and club admin. Must have all standard (police check, Respect in Sport) team qualifications up to date. |
CMSA Tournament Coordinator (per tournament) | 3 credits | Responsible for gauging team interest/availability for tournaments, entering the team and providing necessary information and payment to the organizers, and arranging accommodations (if applicable). |
CMSA Jersey/Kit Coordinator | 3 credits | Responsible for distributing jerseys and uniform items to each player and recording numbers/names on club spreadsheets; will also collect/wash/return jerseys at the end of the season. |
House League Coach (Outdoor U7-U12) | 5 credits | Responsible for leading any practices, though majority of the season will require presence/leadership at bi-weekly games, and/or will ensure the role is properly covered and adhere to Rule of Two guidelines. |
House League Team Manager (Outdoor U9-U12) | 3 credits | Responsible for entering scores into TeamSnap and emailing scores immediately after games to club coordinator. Assist with jersey distribution and equipment transport. Main point of contact between team and club admin. |
Casino shift worker (4-8 hr shifts) | 4 credits | May involve a variety of shifts at the club’s annual casino fundraiser. (*Signing up for back-up shifts do not qualify for credits unless the shift is actually worked). |
Club event shift worker (2 hrs min) | 2 credits | Sign-up options will become available for a variety of shifts (ie. Club events, equipment sorting, evaluation helpers, etc). |
Linesperson (Outdoor – 4 games minimum) | 2 credits | Assisting referees on the sidelines during at least 4 games in the outdoor season. Coordinate with team manager to keep track. |
Board Member/Contributor | 2-8 credits | Various positions may become available, commitment and credits dependent on roles, qualifications, and overall involvement. |